Make your own Heart Photo Jigsaw Puzzle


Mouse-over the "photo puzzles" tab at the top of the page and select “heart puzzles” from the drop down menu OR Shop by occasions or by recipients - where different heart shaped puzzle designs are grouped into styles that match the occasion or recipient. Once you've selected a heart shaped puzzle design, click on it to start personalizing it


Customize Front - Upload Photos onto heart-shaped puzzle

  1. Click on "Upload images" to view the files on your computer's hard drive, floppy drive or digital camera.
    Image Requirements
    NOTE: If the image size, resolution or format is below our minimum requirements, you will receive an error message. Please rescan your image at a higher resolution or select another image. Please refer to our Image Requirements for more information.
  2. Select the image file you wish to upload and click OK. Uploaded images are located inside the "My Photo Library" box on the right.
  3. Drag and drop the image onto "Drag Image Here" at your personalized item.
  4. 4. Double-click to edit the image & click "Apply" when completed.
    • To rotate image: Click on the buttons at "Rotate Image".
    • To resize image: Click and drag the corner of the crop area to the perfect image size.
    • To move the image: Click and drag the centre of the crop area to the desired location.
  5. Click on "Next step" button at bottom-right when you are ready. You can always go back to previous page to make changes by clicking on the "Previous" icon at top-right.


Add Text - Write text on heart shaped puzzle

  1. Click on the button "Add Text".
  2. Use your mouse to move the label "Your Text Here" on the personalized item to the location you wish to apply the message.
  3. Click the box below "Write Text" to type the message.
  4. Design your message on "Message Style" box to "Choose Font", "Choose Color", "Alignment" and "Text Color".
  5. Click on "Next Step" button at bottom-right when you are ready for the next step. You can always go back to previous page to make changes by clicking on the "Previous" icon at top-right.


Preview your heart shaped puzzle & Add to Cart

  1. Preview your heart shaped puzzle to make sure the photo and text are correct and make any changes by clicking on "Previous" icon.
  2. Tick the checkbox at the bottom to confirm the image(s) is (are) edited as you want to appear on item and own all copyrights of them or have authorization to use them.
  3. Click on "Add to Cart" to add your item in the Shopping Cart.
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